Aiyoku No Eustia Full Game
Aiyoku no Eustia [穢翼のユースティア] Opening Video. Full credits to the original.
After the surface of the world succumbed to chaos centuries ago, the city of Novus Aether is kept afloat in the sky solely by the continual prayers offered by the Saint. Years ago, when the Saint’s prayer was interrupted, an incident known as the “Gran Forte” occurred, causing a portion of the land to fall and split the lower city into two, separated by a cliff.

Easy Mail Recovery 2 0 Serial Podcast. Countless lives and property were lost or irreversibly affected in what would be known as the greatest disaster in the city’s history. In time, the lowest layer, known as the “Prison”, became the home to people who lost much of their former lives during the “Gran Forte”. Download Flatout 2 Game Setup 2 more. Crime, famine, and disease run rampant, with “The Noncorroding Gold Chains”, the ruling organization in the area specializing in the sex trade, keeping what little order that still exists. Meanwhile, a contagious disease which causes the infected to grow wings has spread throughout the city, and a unit commonly known as the “Wing Hunters” has been formed to deal with these people swiftly and often violently.