Tomtom Map Meta Keygen Generator
I have not had a chance to try this yet but this is what some kind folk sent to me. Copy TomTom_Navigator_7.450. Meridiana Keygen Generator. onto your PPC and run it to install it. Copy USA_and_Canada_720.1803 and voices to the root directory of your SD Card 3. Launch Tomtom and select the USA_and_Canada map and choose manual activation. Write down the manual activation code 'XXXXX XXXXX' This is your device ID.

Copy USA_and_Canada-14.meta into folder tt7-stuff 5. Open a command prompt (run->cmd) and navigate to tt7-stuff 6. Cyberlink Powerdvd 6 Keygen. In the command prompt type: tt7_keygen.exe 'path to *.meta file' 'DEVICEID' (NO SPACES IN THE DEVICE ID!) Example: tt7_keygen.exe 'C: tt7-stuff' 'XXXXXXXXXX' If successful it should say 'OK' and create USA_and_Canada-14.meta.dct inside tt7-stuff 7.Now copy USA_and_Canada-14.meta and USA_and_Canada-14.meta.dct from tt7-stuff into USA_and_Canada_720.1803 overwriting existing files. Skid the items in RED, I did not do those steps. I put all the files on my SD card in the TOMTOM folder. Then find the file that ends in.BIF and open it up with your notepad.
In this file is the DEVICEID. Virtual Dj Full Activated License Key on this page. Copy that ID down. Then, using the run command in your windows type in: tt7_keygen.exe 'path to *.meta file' 'DEVICEID' (NO SPACES IN THE DEVICE ID!) example: tt7_keygen.exe 'C: tt7-stuff' 'XXXXXXXXXX' (replace the XXX's with that DEVICEID) It will give you a new file with a meta.dct on the end.