Javascript Currency Converter

You need to remove var statements from initialize function and add them above this function: var gbp, usd, eur, cad, aud; function init() { gbp = document.getElementById('GBP'); usd = document.getElementById('USD'); eur = document.getElementById('EUR'); cad = document.getElementById('CAD'); aud = document.getElementById('AUD'); //. In this case variables gbp, usd, eur, cad, aud will be visible in other functions scopes. Probably you need to read more about variables and scopes. Scopes and closures are very important in JS.
You need to remove var statements from initialize function and add them above this function: var gbp, usd, eur, cad, aud; function init() { gbp = document. Revelation Robben Ford Pdf Manuals. getElementById('GBP'); usd = document.getElementById('USD'); eur = document.getElementById('EUR'); cad = document.getElementById('CAD'); aud = document.getElementById('AUD'); //. In this case variables gbp, usd, eur, cad, aud will be visible in other functions scopes. Probably you need to read more about variables and scopes. Scopes and closures are very important in JS.
To use the currency converter example form on your website. Add the following code between the tags of your web page. To display converted currency, copy/paste the code below where you want to display currency rates. Using currency converter javascript function. Im new in javascript and I'm trying to make a simple currency converter, it is working fine when I select '£Pound' '£Pound' or '£Pound' 'R$Real' but when I select 'R$Real' 'R$Real' runs the 'Pound' 'R$Real' calculation. Javascript source code: currency converter. Currency Converter. Euro: US Dollar: British Pound: Japanese Yen: Code Put this in the head part of the document. Arms And Influence Pdf.