Hammerli 208 International Manual
No Bs Day Trading Rapidshare. Notetab Light Download Deutschland. I was afraid of that. Are you taking material off of the sear nose?
I am very familiar with the trailside components. Photshop Cs7 For Win7. Here is how i belive the 208 trigger adjustments to be: -'1st stage' adjustment, adds weight to the whole trigger, any wieght on this stage is added to the second stage -'2nd stage' adjustment still just increases the overall heavy 'feel' of the trigger. You can see how it compresses the plunger about mid way through. -'travel' adjusted with the combi tool, seems to be an overtravel adjust ment. I assume you could back out the plunger housing with the combi tool to increase the time you feel only the first stage. But i am not sure how to adjust overtravel. - 'Creep' doesnt seem to help trigger feel, i found it can be adjust too much to dissallow cocking.