Bendera Merah Putih Cdr

7 Gambar Bendera Indonesia Merah Putih Vector CDR AI PDF. 7 Gambar Bendera Indonesia Merah Putih Vector CDR AI PDF Posted by: masbadar, August 21, 2015 Mungkin jika terkait menyambut 17 Agustus maka.
OCEAN FILM FESTIVAL WORLD TOUR To 21 Oct ober Various locations across the UK Be insp ired by the ocean’s myst ery, majest y and all things life aquatic during this fourth edition of the Ocean Film Fest ival’s UK tour. With seven fantast ic fi lms to enjoy, topics range from ocean adventure to marine conservation. A particular highlight to this year includes Fish People, a fi lm looking at the powerful eff ect time sp ent in or close to the ocean can have on humans.
See the fest ival trailer at Oceanfi lmfest (26 September, 2017) •. The Untouchables To 5 Oct ober Maddox Gallery, London David Yarrow’s black & white images of the world’s most sp ect acular wildlife are on show for two more weeks at Maddox Gallery’s new art sp ace in West bourne Grove. Having travelled across all seven continents to photograph the world’s most endangered sp ecies, Yarrow is known for his refreshing viewpoint and highly st ylised aest hetic. He’s also celebrated for his unusual techniques to get up close to animals, such as coating his camera kit in smells that will att ract subject s.
Pict ures from his most recent excursion to North Korea will also be included. Linde Pathfinder Keygen Software more. uk (26 September, 2017) •.
Naturalium 26 Oct ober to 7 December Litt le Black Gallery, London Aft er receiving critical acclaim when it was fi rst shown at Photo London earlier this year, Rob Munday’s hologram series Naturalium returns to the capital for the winter season. These enlarged images of exotic fl owers are a mixture of holographic light boxes and 3D lenticular photography, resulting in ‘photographic light sculptures’. Set against a black background with vivid colours and a graphic st yle, the pict ures convey the sensuous quality of the subject. Munday fi rst became interest ed in holography in the early 1980s. He is now the leading technical innovator in the fi eld and has created hologram portraits of Karl Lagerfeld, Angelina Jolie and Queen Elizabeth II. He designed the world’s fi rst 3D digital hologram printer and is the recipient of the Royal Photographic Society’s Saxby Medal – one of the most prest igious and international awards for creative and technical achievements in the fi eld of 3D imaging and holography. Thelitt (26 September, 2017).