Gfi Licenses
GFI LanGuard network security scanner, offers a variety of pricing options to suit your business needs. A free trial is also available for 30 days. GFI MailEssentials offers a variety of pricing options to suit your business needs. Take a free 30-day trial and find out for yourself.
Description Subscription for 1 year Additional nodes* Upgrades Subscription Renewal 25-49 nodes €26.00 €24.00** €21.00** €16.00** 50-249 nodes €14. Bugdom 1 Download Mac Os X. 00 €13.00 €11.00 €7.00 250-2999 nodes €10.00 €9.00 €8.00 €5.00 3000+ nodes *Includes subscription through the term of the main subscription. Where multiple subscription years were purchased on the main product; multiple year add-on subscriptions must be purchased to cover the main product remaining subscription term. **Available for a minimum of 10 nodes. Notes: - Add-on annual subscription needs to be purchased to cover remaining year(s). - Pricing plans for 2 and 3 years are also available.
GFI EventsManager is licensed by the node. All devices which generate log data or make the scope of IT monitoring are considered to be a node. The 'Active Monitoring' license has a separate, lower price than the 'Complete' license, and offers active monitoring for servers, workstations and network devices, together with log data management and analysis for Windows workstations. The 'Complete' license offers the entire product functionality (adds log data management and analysis for servers and network devices). Various combinations of the two licenses can be purchased with the same license key (i.e. 5 nodes 'Complete' and 20 nodes 'Active Monitoring) which makes it more affordable to get only the functionality you are interested in, for the assets you need to be covered.