Download Save File Kingdom Hearts 2
Hey guys, I was hoping someone could hook me up with a save file for kingdom hearts 2, I am not asking so I could put it on my PS2 memory card but just for the emulator. I reformatted my computer and I forgot to back that stuff up. Dundjinni Rapidshare S. In the game I was standard mode at merlin's house ready to move on and travel to the land of the dragons. I don't have this save file on my memory card or I would have just transfered it. Thanks in advance! Edision Argus Mini Ip Software.
Does anyone know a good place to get a non-hacked save file for 2.5 Remix. I was playing this game on PS2, got to Mount Olympus, beat when I. Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX Game Save. Download Name: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX Game Save. Date Added: Fri. May 08, 2015. File Size: 131.49 KB. Mar 14, 2017 - Players report that their games crash at various points, including while they're trying to save. That naturally leaves them forced to replay long. Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 Remix launches in the U.S. On March 28, 15 years to the day of the first game's launch on PlayStation 2. Update: On Twitter, Square Enix.