Download O Play Firmware Hack
Tech Points: 305 From: Canada Posted: 11:32:00 AM # 2 Yes you can run HD2 firmware on the R1(it has to be modded firmware for the R1/R3, do not try to install official firmware). Buku Yaasinn Dan Tahlil Bahasa Arab Latin. I am currently running it. The big advantage for me is for the most part you don't have to manually switch between pcm and raw for the spdif output.
Yes you can run HD2 firmware on the R1. To upgrade you download the install.img file from here. O!Play to be re-upgraded. You can to restart the Safe Mode Upgrade. Hi to all, Good news to Asus O!Play Mini users. Asus has updated the firmware to 1.6 version. With 3 Main improvements: 1. Modify behavior for video subtitle file. Support subtitle text encoding for Arabic. Show all subtitle files under video directory. Here is the download location.
First you need to know your players bootcode. 17 and lower requires you to first upgrade. 18 or above is ok. To check your bootcode go to the homescreen and press stop then play on the remote. If your bootcode is 17 you can upgrade to bootcode 23. ( note: bootcode 23 is from a Pal unit and come with a PAL firmware, this may cause NTSC users to have trouble seeing there screen after the inital upgrade if your tv is not dual compatible) To upgrade you download the install.img file from here: Place it on a usb stick formatted in FAT32 (make sure it is the only file on the stick) You install it by telnet using the 'soft reset' method found here: To telnet by soft reset: (if using Vista or Windows 7 you first need to enable telnet.