Cwcheat Psp 5.50 Gen D3
Let me just inform you I have done research on this and the tutorials/videos online don't help me because I do not have a version.txt, I don't know why it's been a long time since I played around with my PSP, and I've practically forgotten everything. I want this for Digimon Re: Digitized. My version shows up as 9.90 which I need to downgrade in-order to install the original 6.60 so I can then go into the Pro 6.60. EDIT-Do I really need to update for Digimon Re: Digitized? I've done a lot of nice stuff to this like get PS1 games to work on it, and enabled cheats for both PS1 and PSP games and frankly unless it's 100% necessary I'd rather not bother with it.

A PSP with Custom Firmware 5.00 m33 already installed Installation: Download the 5.50 GEN-D3; Battery 78% loaded; Connect your PSP via USB Mode; Extract the 550.PBP and the PSP folder to the root of your Memory Stick (not MP_ROOT) Exit USB Mode; Go to your Game Menu and run 5.50 GEN-D3 Quick Updater; Select 'Flash Install CFW 5.50 GEN-D3' and Press 'X'. [PSP] Custom Firmware 5.50 Gen D3 - Plays 6.10 games. Discussion in 'Consoles and Homebrew' started by InsaneNutter, Oct 17, 2010.
Or just get the emulated version for Android which has no problems. Use Hellcat's Recovery Flasher to drop back down to 5.00 OFW, then use the official update file to go to 6.60, then just run the Pro launcher. Pretty easy and safe.
Edit: As well, there are POPSloader set ups available for PS1, and considering how much people love cheating, I'm pretty much positive cheat plugins should all be up to date too. Dunno about Re: Digitized. If it won't just work on your 5.50 GEN-D3 (which is really, really outdated), nobody is going to bother trying to get it working for you. Click to expand.Hellcat's should come with a readme, but otherwise just drop it in like you would anything else you'd be running from your game menu. Follow the instructions in the readme to the letter, and you'll be fine.
As for plugins: - PSNabler is useless as PSN access has been totally blocked for anything below 6.61 but since you didn't realize that, I'm guessing accessing PSN isn't particularly a priority for you - PSNlover same deal as above - CWcheat like I mentioned is supported, but you may have to download an updated plugin for it.
Okay i updated my CFW 4.01 m33 to 5.50 Gen-D3 today. On my 4.01, i had to install a 1.50 kernel add-on, because my psp is a psp fat.
Now i was wondering, do i have to put the 1.50 kernel add-on onto my 5.50 Gen-D3? Also, when i put my psp into the recovery menu, and i go to configuration, do i leave the game.
Okay i updated my CFW 4.01 m33 to 5.50 Gen-D3 today. On my 4.01, i had to install a 1.50 kernel add-on, because my psp is a psp fat. Now i was wondering, do i have to put the 1.50 kernel add-on onto my 5.50 Gen-D3? Also, when i put my psp into the recovery menu, and i go to configuration, do i leave the game folder homebrew at (1.50 Kernel) or (5.XX Kernel).
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