Linksys Router Wrt54gs Download

Feb 13, 2012 - Admin rights for the Linksys router are required to change any settings. If the user cannot access the router configuration page at all or can only see partial information on the page, there could be a problem with the firmware of the Linksys router.To solve the issue, download the correct version of the. I can not find the CD for my WRT54g router. Is there any place to download the setup info? Thanks in advance.
I have a Linksys wrt54g v6 FIRMWARE V1.02.8 I have cox communications and for the last year I have had a 50mb download speed and when I run a speed test using the one on the cox communications web site my speeds are consistently between 45 to 49 down. Out of the blue yesterday I got an email from cox saying they just DOUBLED my download speed for free with no strings attached so I did a speed test on their site and I am still getting the same thing BUT when I connect directly from their modem to my nic card on the back of my computer I am getting between 128 and 140 mb down. So is my router limited to certain download speeds or is there something I can do to my linksys to take advantage of the new speeds coming into my house. The device provided to me from cox is a ( CISCO / DPQ3212 ) Thanks in advance for any help. Said by: if ports are 100 then why can't I get 100?Because there's a lot more involved in performance than the raw port speed. A consumer router designed in the 2007 time frame was shooting more for the 50mbps you're seeing.
100mbps is an ultimate limit but not the costly one of processing power. If you're interested, I benchmarked similar hardware in 2008: » The winner was Tomato firmware at 58mbps. Notice how even when it's LAN-to-LAN 85mbps was as good as I got.
The penalty is because LAN-to-Internet requires more processing power. EDIT: And sorry if I sounded like 100mbps ports was the ONLY reason. If you could magically change those ports to GigE you wouldn't see much gain.
Changelog: - Three major functional fix-ups for NoCatSplash: The peer data can now be synced to a file with each auth/unauth, and leases re-initialized across server restarts or reboot. Simply define LeaseFile in your nocat.conf (set NC_LeaseFile in nvram on ewrt) The redirect didn't wait for the firewall scripts to finish, often resulting in a user getting the splash page a second time. The DHCP server would occasionally recycle 'pulled' leases too quickly, and a user would be trapped in a loop on their new IP, since it was still in the peer database with the old MAC. They automatically replace the old lease now. - A few changes to generalize the model dependencies and config process in expectation of major changes and adding more supported hardware, coming in ewrt-0.5. - Fixed the ipkg and ipkgtmp scripts to do the right things in the right places. I added an ipkg.conf which fetches packages from our website by default, but this can be overridden by setting IPKG_CONF_DIR.
Fl 12 Regkey File. NOTE: ewrt-0.4 will only run ipkg-ed kernel modules for 2.4.20, or binaries linked statically, or to the installed uClibc-0.9.19 libs. - A bunch of new logging to syslog in the init process and callbacks for udhcpc events; I moved some of this stuff off of the serial console to make that easier to use as well. - A new nvram variable: ip_conntrack_max, which will set the corresponding /proc entry (if >1024) at boot to raise the limit on the number of NAT-tracked connections. This is useful if you have a lot of users and start getting messages in the syslog saying the limit has been reached. About Router Firmware: Before you consider downloading this firmware, go to the system information page of the router and make sure that the currently installed version isn’t either newer or matching this release. Due to the large variety of router models and different methods for upgrading the device, it is highly recommended that you read and, above all, understand the installation steps before you apply the new firmware, even if you are a power user. In theory, these steps shouldn’t be much of a hassle for anyone, because manufacturers try to make them as easy as possible, even if they don’t always succeed.