Wk4 File Converter To Excel 2007
Dec 17, 2009 Can anyone tell me how to open a Lotus 1-2-3 file in Excel 2007? When I open the wk4 file in Excel, it is unreadable. It doesn't convert to Excel. How do I import lotus 123 wk3 and wk4 into excel 2007. Discussion in 'Microsoft Excel Misc' started by rwc, Jun 29, 2008. (wk4) file from Exce. Home >Search converters: wk4 to xls. Conversion of wk4 file format to xls file format beta. Search for wk4 to xls converter or software able to handle these file types.
Free WK4 to XLSX converter from CoolUtils. Convert WK4 to XLSX online without any fee or registration, get your XLSX file in seconds.
If the files are really important then you could buy a copy of WordPerfect Office X4 Home/Student edition (about $125 USD), open the files in Quatro Pro (Lotus 1-2-3's successor), and save them as Excel 97-2003 files. You could then open those files using Excel 2007. Now Boarding Full Version Serial Keygen. Other alternatives (free) might be to try either Open Office or Google Docs. Goldspot Tally Of The Yes Men Rar.
I don't use either so I don't know if they are capable of converting Lotus 1-2-3 files to something that is Excel 2007 compatible. Hope this helps. Please help us help you.
Read before posting. RE: Open Lotus 1-2-3 files in Excel 2007 (MIS) 28 Oct 09 09:42.