Mifare Classic Universal Toolkit Apk
The description of Download Mifare Classic Tool - MCT 2.0.7 APK. This is an Android NFC-App for. Download Smart Card Toolkit 1.0 APK.
README ====== Compiling: automake autoconf./configure make Running (most basic):./mfcuk -C -R 0:A -v 2 PACKAGE ------- MiFare Classic Universal toolKit (MFCUK) TOOL(S) ------- Mifare Classic DarkSide Key Recovery Tool (mfcuk_keyrecovery_darkside. Coldplay Parachutes Zip Sharebeast more. c) (previously known as zv_mf_dark_side). LICENSE ------- GPL. See MFCUK_LICENSE for more information.

BIBLIOGRAPHY (no specific order) --------------------------------- 1. [WPMCC09] - 'Wirelessly Pickpocketing a Mifare Classic Card' 2. [ESO08] - '2008-esorics.pdf' 3. [ESOSL08] - '2008-esorics-slides-updated.pdf' 4.
[KON08] - '2008-koning-thesis.pdf' 5. [VER08] - '2008-verdult-thesis.pdf' 6. [PATMC] - 'A Practical Attack on the MIFARE Classic.pdf' 7. [NCOURFIDSEC09] - 'mifare_courtois_rfidsec09.pdf' 8.
[MFCLTRB09] - 'MifareClassicTroubles.ppt' 9. [TEEP08] - 'p2008-teepe-classic_mistakes.pdf' 10. [RFIDSANJ] - 'RFID Attacks_WCA_San_Jose.pdf' 11.
[ROSS] - 'rossum-mifare.pdf' 12. [PLOTZ08] - 'SAR-PR-2008-21_.pdf' 13. [ROSSSASG] - 'SASG35_Peter_v_Rossum_Mifare.pdf' 14. [DARK2009] - 'THE DARK SIDE OF SECURITY BY OBSCURITY and Cloning MiFare Classic Rail and Building Passes, Anywhere, Anytime' KUDOS and HATS-OFF to (no specific order) (for all the knowledge, time spent researching and all the things) --------------------- - blapost@gmail.com - this man is a genius and a technical artist.
Crapto1 3.1 is the horse power of this tool. PS: you somehow resemble I.C.Wiener anonymous&smart hacker - Roel and RConty @ libnfc/proxmark - these guys are true advisers, helpful. Thanks for providing a powerfull platform for NFC - N.Curtois - also a crypto-artist in differential analysis. The 29bit prefix attack is pure genius of theoretical analysis. - RU University Staff for working out different aspects and papers for Crypto1 analysis - Nohl, Plotz, Evans - how the 'F' did you get those slicers and microscopes:))?
- Milosch M et al. - for pushing the limits for open-source hardware (OpenPCD and OpenPICC) - Jonathan Westhues - for giving the open-source community the: Proxmark schematics/sources and RFID knowledge - Nethemba team - for first open-source/GPL nested authentication attack key recovery implementation in MFOC - hat, schwa226, pgrahamm, marcus2608, phadom - for useful samples, advices, traces and all the things.