Fsx Cls A330
Welcome to a fantastic expansion package! After a long wait this package is finally available for all our A330 fans! The expansion includes the A330 cargo variant, MRTT RAF variant and even, as a bonus, a new A330-200 model with a brand new tail. The tail is now improved and matches the latest design by Airbus. Factory Stairways Ladders And Handrails Handbook 2. We also added some nice new features, like reverser spray effects, 3D lighting, cockpit sounds and more! Check out the images and features for more detailed information. CARGO & RAF & BONUS!

Features • two different A330F models (RR and PW engines) with individual panels and 6 repaints overall • 5 different updated A330-200 models (which differ in the windows arrangement) with individual panels, 3 GE variants, 1 PW variant and 1 RR variant with 6 repaints overall • new A330-MRTT RAF model • reworked soundpacks for RR, GE and PW engines • additional cockpit sounds • reworked cockpit instruments with new ND and ECAM features • reworked cockpit night lighting • new 3D landing and taxi lights • new beacon light effects • new reverser spray effect. Unfortunatly i cannot give more because the program makes p3d crash if you leave it in background during the flight. Tested this with asp4 doing weather as suggested from many users.