Far Cry 3 Map Editor Objects
The Far Cry 3 Map Editor is accessed from the main menu of the console version of Far Cry 3, but for those with the PC version of FC3, a little bit of navigating has to be done, as you will not find that utility on the main menu. Where's the Map Editor on the PC version? Visit the directory where you placed all of your Far Cry 3 files, such as • C: Program Files (x86) Far Cry 3 bin or possibly • C: Program Files (x86) Ubisoft Far Cry 3 bin Or if you downloaded Far Cry 3 from Steam with Windows 7 64bit • C: Program Files (x86) Steam steamapps common Far Cry 3 bin An easier way to find the location of the directory is simply right clicking whichever Far Cry 3.exe file you've been opening in order to run the game, and clicking on 'Open File Location', which should be the third option from the top. This will open up the bin folder shown up above. After you've found the bin folder for Far Cry 3 on your computer's hard drive, look for the executable (Application) named FC3Editor. Run that, and you're all set.
Terrain Objects: Alter the map depth/height and to create landscapes with mountains. Far Cry 3 Map Editor. Far Cry Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Nov 25, 2012 - A quick look at all the prop items players can use to create maps in the Far Cry 3 map editor. Far Cry 3 map making tutorial: mapping made easy. One of the great pluses of Far Cry 3’s editor is its drop-in. Pressing 4 will let you add objects to the map.
Check out some of the videos below to get a hang of the editor's interface. Map Editor TheBeachedHippo, a fairly prominent youtuber (), has gotten his hands on Far Cry 3 as part of a promotional campaign and he has decided to do a blitz of Far Cry 3 videos.

These include a full walkthrough of the game and gameplay from the map editor. Overview of the Editor First Custom Map - Trail of the Tiger.
Vernimmen 2012 Pdf Gratuit Francais. NO PRODUCTION - NO PRODUCTION - NO PRODUCTION - NO PRODUCTION - NO PRODUCTION - NO PRODUCTION - NO PRODUCTION - NO PRODUCTION - NO PRODUCTION - This Editor Mod allows you to put AI, Vehicle and Weapons in MP-Maps. There will be a new folder-structure. There are some new objects from SP. This Mod let you use the SP-Moves in the Editor, like throw rocks and use C4. In this mod you have now also IED, C4 and Molotows. Thank you all! This is BETA only!!
------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER: 2013 Fino Productions™ All Rights Reserved. Far Cry, Far Cry 2, Far Cry 3, Ubisoft, Ubi.com, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. And / or other countries. Based on Crytek's original Far Cry directed by Cevat Yerli. This mod is provided 'as is', without any form of warranty I am NOT liable for any damages caused by this mod USE AT YOUR OWN RISK The content unlocked in this release is the FULL property of UBISOFT™. This Editor Mod allows you to put AI, Vehicle and Weapons in MP-Maps.
There will be a new folder-structure. There are some new objects from SP. This Mod let you use the SP-Moves in the Editor, like throw rocks and use C4.
In this mod you have now also IED, C4 and Molotows. Thank you all!
This is BETA only!! ------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER: 2013 Fino Productions™ All Rights Reserved. Far Cry, Far Cry 2, Far Cry 3, Ubisoft, Ubi.com, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. And / or other countries. Based on Crytek's original Far Cry directed by Cevat Yerli. This mod is provided 'as is', without any form of warranty I am NOT liable for any damages caused by this mod USE AT YOUR OWN RISK The content unlocked in this release is the FULL property of UBISOFT™.