Dn-2000f Mkii Manual

I know we have some Denon guys visiting the board. In the 90's, I owned a pair of DN-2000F Mk. II players, and neither one was ever totally right. I experienced intermittent problems with both of them.
At some gigs, they would work flawlessly from beginning to end. At others, they gave me nearly constant problems. With the venue being the only thing that changed, I'd suspect some sort of power supply problem, but I've never verified that. Amtlib.dll Premiere Cc 2017 there. I eventually heard that there was a recall on the units, but by the time I heard about it, they were no longer honoring it. Eventually, I just sold both of them on eBay and noted the mystery problem. Now I'm just curious.
What exactly was the problem with the DN-2000F Mk. We had a couple 2000's layin around for awhile, while it wasn't the best deck in the world we did use it. One thing we did find was that at halls that did have a modern electric system gave us problems.
Some halls have better electric then others and the ones that were up to date, we never had a problem, the fire houses, legion halls etc always send the 2000 haywire. However we fixed that problem by buying some real high end surge supresers and heavy duty electric cords. My fav Denon Unite is the 2100. Still my player of choice. Laser issues? The dn-2000 is old news.