Chester Step Test Calculator Software
The dual format CD includes a digital version of the manual, audio tracks,calculator software and PDF instruction manual. Password Game Battle Realms on this page. The Chester Step Test is a sub-maximal test of aerobic capacity, which is widely used in a variety of environments for fitness testing and is approved by the UK Governments Home Office for use in the. Free download chester step test online calculator Files at Software Informer. Nitrox, Trimix, SAC, Maximum Operating Depth, Partial Pressure, Scuba Tank Volume, Gas.
Required Resources To undertake this test you will require: • A 15-30cm inch high bench or step • Stopwatch • Metronome or cadence tape • Heart rate monitor • • An assistant The box height is determined as follows: • 15cm - is generally suitable for those over 40 years of age who take little or no regular physical exercise and for those under-40's who are moderately overweight. • 20cm - is generally suitable for those under 40 years of age who take little or no regular physical exercise and for those under-40's who are moderately overweight. • 25cm - is generally suitable for those over 40 years of age who regularly take physical exercise with moderately vigorous exertion. • 30cm - generally suitable for those under 40 years of age who regularly take physical exercise with moderately vigorous exertion How to conduct the test Before starting the test the assistance needs to record: • The athlete's Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) - use 220-age • The athlete's 80% of Maximum Heart Rate (MHR80) - use MHR x 0.8 The Chester Step Test is conducted as follows: • The assistance explains to the athlete the test requirements: • You will step up and down onto the box in time with the metronome. • Every 2 minutes the metronome will be increased by 5 steps/minute. • At each 2 minute period I will record your heart rate and ask you to tell me the Borg rating for your perceived exertion and if your heart rate is greater than your MHR80 or your perceived exertion level is above a certain value then the test will end.

• The test will end after 10 minutes of stepping • Continue stepping whilst I record your heart rate and ask for your perceived exertion level • The assistance checks the athlete's understanding of the test requirements. (1998) 'The Chester Step Test: ASSIST Physiological Measurement Resources Manual Version 3.' Liverpool: ASSIST Creative Resources Ltd. & ROBERTS, A. (2004) The Chester step test—a simple yet effective tool for the prediction of aerobic capacity. Physiotherapy, 90(4), 183-188 Related References The following references provide additional information on this topic: • BUCKLEY, J.