Central And Eastern Europe Tomtom Torrent Games

OsmAnd is an offline navigation application with access to the free, worldwide, and high-quality offline maps. Enjoy voice and visual offline navigation, viewing points of interest, creating and managing GPX tracks, using contour lines visualization and altitude info (through plugin), a choice between car navigation, cycle navigation or directions in the pedestrian mode, OSM editing and much more. While I mostly liked this app, a couple of issues held it back from being great. (note that after the map download, this was used exclusively offline) I liked the extremely detailed maps (that can be customized) and good amount of POIs, too many businesses were missing.

Trying to use the address didn't work almost every time as it didn't know many street addresses. I had manually mark the map for a location. The app stuck to routes I didn't want to take when recalculating, asking 10 or so times to make a u-turn instead of learning to take the route for the road I'm driving on. There no map tilt while navigating, only overhead. The worst part is that it has bad cashing and map redraws.
It only renders what is visible to the screen so the map needs to redraw constantly while driving. This makes that app studder during redraws.
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Abba The Definitive Collection Zip on this page. This happened on a quad core processor with over a gig of RAM free with no background apps. I've tried all settings to fix this but nothing worked. Something the app would glitch, causing the movement of the map act like a quick sideshow instead of moving smoothly. A force stop would usually fix it but it would happen again seemingly at random.
This may be related to the issue above, but I am uncertain. As it stands, there are too many issues that prevent me from using or recommending this app. It's a shame because I really liked the attention to detail displayed on the map and the customisation allowed.
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